Max Weylandt.

Hello! I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at Northwestern University.

I'm trying to learn more about what people think democracy means, how elites talk about democracy, and the relationship between prejudice and attitudes towards democracy. I also like thinking about how survey researchers can collect better data, and am working on tools that can make their life easier when analyzing data. Before coming to Northwestern, I worked for the Institute for Public Policy Research in Namibia — my work for them is here.


"The 2014 National Assembly and presidential elections in Namibia." Electoral Studies 38 (2015): 126-130. (link) (pdf)

Erratum: There's a somewhat consequential typo here. I write
The constitutional amendments increased competitive seats in the National Assembly from 72 to 96, while presidential appointments to the NA doubled from four to eight.

Actually , presidential appointments went from 6 to 8. See the annotated Constitution Amendment Act (2014) as provided by the Legal Assistance Centre here, under Article 43.

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CV (pdf)


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